Wednesday 16 March 2016

Inglot HD Sculpting Powder #504

The Inglot HD Sculpting Powder in 504 is my new favourite sculpting powder! I am really not a fan of Kardashian levels of contouring as I find it looks really overwhelming, however, I do like giving my face a bit of definition. Most sculpting powders are too yellowish brown for my skin which make it look dirty, but this is a perfect pinky taupe shade. It suits my colouring so well that I sometimes don’t feel the need to add blusher. It’s a bit dry to the touch, but is easy to blend and stays put all day. 
I love the packaging. So hygienic.

 I've also compared it to MAC's Wedge eye shadow, my other sculpting powder of choice.
direct sunlight

Friday 11 March 2016

Elixir - All in One Face-book palette (picture heavy)

This palette was given to me this summer as a gift by a friend who knows my love for cosmetics. It’s called All in One Face-book palette because it has most of the things you will need for a full face of makeup. It’s a sturdy carton palette with thick carton separating the wells of product. The two sides are separated by two thick transparent sheets stuck to each side(you can remove and re-stick the sheets). None of the products have identifying names or numbers. I tried to use as many of the products in it as possible to form an opinion, but I’m sure I’ve failed in that cause there’s just so much of it! It contains:
  v  56 eye shadows - 28 high pearl(top 4 rows) and 28 mattes&satins(bottom 4 rows)
  v  2 eyebrow creams
  v  2eyebrow powders
  v  4 compact powders
  v  6 powder blushers
  v  28 lip glosses


Before I go into a list of pros and cons, I need to write a separate paragraph about the eye shadows. What surprised me was that while they are powdery, they are not too dry and crumbly. Eye shadows of that price point are usually very crumbly (e.g. Sleek) which is why I avoid them, but these are better with the metallics being the best of the lot. You definitely need a good base for them to stay on if you plan on wearing them all day, but I don’t think that comes as a surprise these days. Pigment-wise it’s a mixed lot. Colourful eye shadow palettes tend to have colours that are too pigmented, but sheerer colours are needed in order to create a nicer look especially if you’re not a make-up expert. I see too many bloggers bashing eye shadows for being too sheer or for having a poorer colour pay-off, but we have to keep in mind that these products are for the mass market. The vast majority of people either lack the ability or the time to devote to blending and that is perfectly fine. The people at Elixir seem to know their audience, hence this palette has eye shadows for all levels of expertise.
the eye shadows and eyebrow products
So, here is a list of pros and cons about this palette:
  • You really get a lot of products for your money and a very decent selection of colours. The colours would suit most people.
  • The eyebrow creams. People might overlook them when faced with so many colours, but for me they are the star product of the palette! I love them and wish there were more of them. They are nice and waxy and can also be used as an eye shadow base. They are fantastic for all kinds of weather, even the 40C Greek summer that makes all my other cream eye shadows melt. They may seem a bit dark, but both can be sheered into almost nothing. So much love I tell you!
  • The blushers have really nice textures. I may not have found a colour to suit me (check the cons), but the textures are smooth, no shimmerbombs or glitter in sight! The peach has a satin texture and the rest are mattes. One of them could definitely be used as a bronzer.
  • Nice powders. Very finely milled powder, suitable for lighter and darker skin colours, both pink-based and yellow-based. Really happy with these.
  • The lip creams. On the back they are called ‘lip glosses’, but they feel more like lip creams. A huge variety of colours, suitable for all seasons and all current fashion trends. From nudes, to pinks, to browns, to burgundies you will find one to suit your style. And that is coming from someone who doesn't like lip products in pans!
  • I got to try colours I wouldn't have bought otherwise (I am a neutral browns&pinks girl mostly). The matte dark forest green and hunter’s green are a pure treat and the metallic periwinkle is a sheer spring delight(pun intended)!
  • No glitter. I find glitter can make things look cheap. The lack of it is a good thing.
  • All the non-eye shadow powder products (eyebrow, compact and blushers) can nicely double as eye shadows, supplementing the lack of neutral shades. The same goes for some of the eye shadows that can be used as a highlighter.
  • No applicators! I hate it when palettes devote space for applicators that I’m not going to use. 

  • There’s a few colours that are too similar to each other. It would have been better to have a few neutral brown shades instead. There’s so many colours in the palette that you need a few neutral shades to blend them out.
  • The selection of blues could have been better. With 8 blue shades included, I was expecting at least one dark matte navy or ink blue, but sadly there is none. The selection of greens was better as it had light, medium and dark shades.
  • The blushers are too dark for me (MAC NW20, Georgio Armani 3, Shu Uemura 365). Given how much I liked their texture, that just made me sad.
  • The packaging isn’t very easy to operate. A way for it to stay securely closed would be more practical.
the blushers

All in all, this is a very decent product that you can use in so many ways. I've enjoyed using it and the whole time I was trying colours I kept thinking that this is made for somebody who is a beginner and less set in their makeup ways than I am. I will use a few of the colours, but too many will probably be left untouched, which is a pitty. If you know someone who has yet to experiment with colours and textures and for whom playing around with makeup that isn’t too expensive would be a good start, this is definitely for them! A teenager would be over the moon with it, as would anyone who enjoys colourful eye-make up. With such a huge number of eye shadows and lipsticks the possibilities are endless. 
the lip products

ingredients lists