Wednesday 5 October 2011

Stranger Seaweeds: OPI Stranger Tides & Here today...Aragon Tomorrow

I rarely -if ever- do the same mani combination a second time. This one is different though. It's already the third time I've had it on since this summer.

OPI's Pirates of the Caribbean collection was one of  my favourites. I don't know what it is that attracted me to those colours, but I really love the ones I got. Stranger Tides is a cream light sage green that leans a tad towards yellow. I never thought I'd like such a nail colour, but I do!

OPI's Here Today...Aragon Tomorrow on the other hand is a polish I never quite made friends with. When I had seen it in store the lighting made it look like a dark creamy olive green. I was so disappointed when I took it out of the bag to discover it was an almost-black jelly green colour that I haven't used it more than a couple of times in the two years I've had it. I think now that there are olive green polishes out there and I can have the colour I want, I'll wear it and see it again for what it is and not what it isn't.

As soon as I had Stranger Tides on the idea popped into my head for this combination using konad plate m63. HTAT is the exact colour of wakame seaweed! I was very pleased with the end result since it looks like seaweed in the sea when there's a bit of wind and there's a lot of sand in the water.

And a picture to show you why you should occasionally file the rubbery part of your stamper. After a while it starts to not pick up the designs so well, but with a little bit of filing it's good as new!


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you! Sorry for the seemingly late reply! Instead of replying I had made another comment!
