Sunday 25 March 2012

Beauty Tips: Taking Care of Your Nail Polish Bottle

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How annoying is it when your nail polish dries in its bottle or when nail polish residue dries around the 'mouth' of the bottle and you can't open it no matter how you twist it?

Well, there's something that can prevent all this and it's really very easy. All you have to do is apply a little bit of vaseline on the spiral grooves of the bottle. The vaseline will prevent polish residue from sitting in the grooves and it will give it enough slip to open and close easily. Additionally, because it's very pliable it will sit in the grooves when you close the lid and prevent the volatile substances from vaporising, ie. no more nail polish smell where you keep them stored and your polish will not dry so much when you're not using it. It's going to be nice and airtight!

Be careful not to apply it to the final groove of the bottle. You don't want any vaseline reaching the lips of the bottle because then it might get on your brush or even in the polish and ruin it. Always wipe away the excess.

With frequent opening and closure the vaseline tends to spread so every few times wipe it away and re-apply.

I have obviously applied too much here to make it apparent in the pictures. You don't actually need to apply this much!


  1. Easier, faster & foolproof: wrap some white plumbers tape around the threads of the bottle neck. About 3-4 layers. This also works to keep cream shadows, liquid/cream foundations, etc from drying out.

    1. I prefer the vaseline on nailpolish as it keeps it from drying on the grooves when I use it. I will try the plumber's tape trick on my shadows and liners!

  2. Also, always store all of your liquid nail supplies upsidedown. This keeps all of my products fresh for years & completely prevents them from drying out or evaporating.

    1. I started doing that, too, a few months ago. It's amazing how well they keep.
      Thanks again,Anon!
