Monday 7 May 2012

'Sad Eyes' Duelist Mani: Black on Black

How do I begin this post without getting distracted by Kang Dong Won and the Duelist's beautiful soundtrack for another hour? By sharing a song with you my dear reader!
'The Duelist' is a fictional period Korean film with stunning visuals, a beautiful, sad love story and two of my favourite Korean actors, Kang Dong Won and Ha Ji Won. If you like "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" and "House of the Flying Daggers", then definitely watch this; the budget may not be as enormous as it was for those two films, but it is truly wonderfully shot, the script is good and the actors great.
When I first started nail stamping last year, one of the patterns I wanted to recreate was from the protagonist's costume. Sad Eyes wore mostly black textured clothes and this idea of black on black simply stuck with me as I am fascinated by black. I tried many times to create something similar back then, but the results were not good enough.
He's so gorgeous!
Beautiful fabrics and a beautiful man. Ah! My heart! 
Enough with the Kang Dong Won spam, back on topic. A few days ago Nathalie (jellynat) had this post up which reminded me of my quest for the black on black mani I wanted to do. Then this scandalously pretty picture of JaeJoong appeared yesterday from the upcoming 'Time Slip Dr.Jin' Korean drama who reminded me of 'Sad Eyes'.
He is a real person, not a CG character.
The final blow was delivered by my friend Orion who reminded me of all the above, so I did it. This time I picked a pattern that would allow for the different textures to be more apparent, as my previous choice (the multiple squares from the konad m63 plate) was too dense and it ended up looking muddled instead of textured. My only complaint this time is that I should have used a thicker black glossy polish to stamp. The one I usually stamp with was ruined when I decided to 'experiment' with it a few weeks ago. The search for the perfect black on black mani continues, though I think that first I'll have to do a red on black like JaeJoong's costume.
basecoat: SpaRitual - Body
Stamping polish: Bourjois - 39 Noir de Chine
stamping plate: Konad m64

PS- Should I have a 'gorgeous Korean men with swords' tag now? haha...


  1. Thanks for crediting me on the fact that I gutter you with Kang Dong Won constantly. :P

    And the design is awesome! I can't wait to see what you do with Jae Joong's design. Ehehe.

    Excuse me while I stare at Sad Eyes' pictures some more. *droooooool*

    1. Hahaha! How could I not when you used to 'spam me' with his pictures? Ah! Happy hours!

      Jae Joong's design will probably have to be hand-drawn which will make it all the more exciting and give me a chance to test my new brushes.

      To anyone who wants more pictures of Kang Dong-Won, here

  2. Thank you for your lovely comment! I am going to do it as soon as I finish watching 'Time Skip Dr.Jin'!
