Wednesday 25 July 2012

Andrea Fulerton - Mischa

One of my recent purchases is this beautiful polish, Andrea Fulerton - Mischa. I have to admit, nailblogging has changed my tastes a bit and now I am more open to trying out different textures. A year ago I would have picked this up, looked at it, perhaps admired it and then promptly reject it as a 'glitter'.

Truth is I love it though. It's complex, it's easy to remove (I'm always worried about that with glitters) and it's a beauty. The base is a greyish blue as you can see in the paper swatch photo and it's packed with asymmetric microglitter in gold, gunmetal and blue, but you do catch glimpses of other colours as well. It applies nicely and I did three coats for this swatch. Depending on the light it can look anything from light metallic blue to deep gunmetal Unfortunately the edge suffered a bit of shrinkage due to the Seche Vite I used.
natural light(overcast)
close up on the nail
close up of the paper swatch under incandescent light
You can also see it on Eva Green where it was used for her recent InStyle (Uk) photoshoot.


  1. This looks a lot like one of the new Zoyas!

    1. Does it? I almost never pay attention to Zoyas as they are not easily available where I live.

  2. This looks uniquely complex, I love the mix of glitter shades and shapes.

    1. I know, that's why I love it, too. It's like there's a constant party on my nails. These glitter particles make it look so alive!
