Thursday 9 April 2015

Byzantine influence: O.P.I - Every Month is Oktoberfest & a-England- Dragon

Paris Psalter (BnF MS Grec 139), folio 435v
Another one from the vault of unpublished images, one that takes inspiration from Byzantium this time. Having been raised in Greece anything to do with Byzantium was always connected with religion in an almost oppressive way. It took me quite a few years to see beyond that and appreciate those times and all their cultural output more.

The design of this plate reminded me of the cross-shaped stained glass windows that are so common in orthodox churches. The base is the amazing inky blue with reddish shimmer O.P.I - Every Month is Oktoberfest and the stamping was done with the chameleon of greens a-England - Dragon. I couldn’t believe how different Dragon looked here and how much it shimmered and sparkled. The pictures don’t do it enough justice!

Displaying different colours.

Dragon is so beautiful as a stamp!

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