Sunday 3 April 2016

Caroline Bingley's dress

An old manicure I had forgotten to post. I probably would have done it differently now, but I still like the idea behind it. It’s based on one of the costumes that Anna Chancellor wore as Caroline Bingley in the 1995 Pride and Prejudice series. The Bingley sisters wore the most amazing costumes in that series. I think I remember this costume best due to the conversation happening during that scene and Anne Chancellor’s grimace when she gets shot down by Mr.Darcy’s reply. It’s towards the end of the first episode, for anyone who wants to (re-)watch it.

The deep red is Ciate – Dangerous Affair and the black is A-England’s Camelot. For the stripes on the red I sheered it out a bit. I can’t remember which one of my golds I used for this, I think I mixed one. 

And as the French have it, au revoir!

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