Friday, 30 September 2011

Bourjois: Rose / Or 39

One of my most loved polishes is a nail polish from more or less 10 years ago by Bourjois called Bleu/Or. It was a colour that had become my trademark since I used to wear it all the time and people would always comment on it. It was a proper little chameleon that depending on the light conditions and angle it could look anything from taupe, to steel grey, light gold or iris blue. I went through three whole bottles of that magic polish and I was heartbroken when I couldn't find it any more. I don't know why I ever got rid of the last bottle. Ah! The days when I didn't know about nail polish restore.  

Recently I decided to look on  e(vil)bay in case there was any of it there. Unfortunately I didn't find any, but I did find its two sisters, Rose/Or and Violet/Or so I bought those two. I remember them sitting side by side in the display! Alas! Poor Bleu/Or! 
Rose/or is a pink champagne gold and it's the base colour in the picture. The colour doesn't shift much, but it is quite nice and discreet. I was pleasantly surprised to find that these polishes do not have Toluene and Formaldehyde, which you wouldn't expect from polishes that old. It does take a while to dry though, even with a fast drying topcoat. 

I used Bundle Monster plate BM223 for the design. For the ring finger I used Mavala Minsk polish while for the rest of my fingers I used Sephora by OPI Metro Chic. I couldn't believe that MS looked so light when used for stamping! 


  1. Hello from me as well. I enabled my cookies (not the edible ones) and I can comment. Will turn them off after I've done so.

    Yep. I used such a color too, once. Shame on them for getting you hooked on something and then discontinuing it...

    Lovely pattern. Might I suggest though, a smaller watermark for your pictures. It gets in the way, love. Just make a small signature for the corner or then license your blog through Creative Commons. ^^ If you need advice on that, do tell.

    Welcome to Blogger!

  2. Creative Commons. Licensed my own blog through it, for my texts and I guess it's not much, but it is some comfort.

    Depending on what you want and don't want to allow, you can chose your own license.

    Then copy the code and paste it at the footer of the htmp template document.

  3. Thank you angel of my blog :)


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